Monday, August 31, 2009

My Little Teapot!!

This my brother Jared dancing to a little musical teapot that Emily got for her Birthday! It is so funny to watch my do this kind of stuff! Mostly because I am going to show it at his wedding!! Let's just say it's NEVER a boring day at the Damron's house!! : )

Grandmas are cool, but my Mamaw ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Believe it or not this is my awesome Mamaw! She is dancing along with Mrs. Debra to the Jailhouse Rock! I decided to join in and dance too! It was so much fun! So Grandmas be afraid. Very Afraid! For this Mamaw can ROCK!!!!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where in the World is Madison?!

Alright everyone, I am starting a new blog thing called '' Where in the World is Madison? ". I am going to go to different places and you have to guess where it is exactly that I am. The people that guess right will get there name put in a drawing at the end of the month and the whoever wins gets a prize in the mail. Unless however, I can deliver it personally! Good Luck! This first one will be easy! Or will it?! : )

Oh and don't forget to post your answer or guess!

Madam Madi's Randoms

Random and Silly Pictures....

Ummm... I thought only snakes shed their skin?!

Nice Elmo Tush! : )

The Rednecks Are Gettin Ready For Football Season!!

I guess it's that time of the year where all the papaws get ready for football season!!!
Oh sorry.... my mistake. There are actually nascar pajamas!! LOL! : )


Yes it's true! I finally got an the ipod of my dreams! All thanks to my awesome Aunt Christy! So, here's the story. My Aunt C. had to get an new computer. So, she decided to get one at Computers Plus. I told her that they were having a really good sale there for people who were going back to school. One of the deals were buy a student mac pac and get a free ipod touch along with it. When the guy told us that I was about to pass out! My Aunt said she would give it to me because, she knew I wanted one really bad! I was soooooo happy!! I LOVE YOU AUNT CHRISTY!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Here are some pictures of my new ipod!! : )

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sissy Pigtails

I was bored so I decided to do Emily's hair! Then I had a great idea! We could do are hair the same and get a picture!!!! This is how the pictures turned out! Oh, and if you want us to do another hair style that is a like post it and we will put a picture dedicated to you! Make it funky!

Chocolate MESS!

OK, so this is how Emily ended up in the corner for about well, only 2 minutes. That's because she can't sit still when Mommy tells her too. Typical two year old!! Anyway I guess you can figure out why Emily was put in the corner??! One word my friend..... CHOCOLATE!!! : )

This is when my mom and I figured out
that little miss Emily grace had been causing
Then we found ALL over her clothes and
body! Right after sissy had given her a bath!

After that.... well, it was pretty much world
war 3! When my mom found it on her good
bed pillow it was bye-bye Emily! But, she
was not the only one who got blamed.......
I was basically the one who got in trouble
for not watching little Sherlock!!!! oops! ; )
A little time out should do the trick!!!!
But, it won't last for long Mommy! Shhhhhh!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Car Randoms

Car Randoms........

Endless Love Lotion! From VS! ; )

Cute toes!! I am obsessed with white
flip flops!!!!!!!!!!

Snoppy Toothbrush!!

Teeth's best friend!

Dole pineapple juice!!
School Stuff......

As you all know, I attended public school for four years and that was followed by three years of homeschooling. Well, while I was at home for three years everyone else had moved on with their life. In fact, two weeks ago I found out that my good friend Ashley was getting ready to welcome a new baby brother! OMG! Where have I been?!? My Mom has decided to put me back in school along with my brother. Jared has never been to school so imagine how hard of an adjustment that was! Hard headed lockers, preppy girls, cute guys, homework, and teachers..... these pictures say it all!!!

Work it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace to the people!!!!!!!!

Alexis will love this pose!!!!
Such a gentleman!!! ; )

Cute and Sassy!! Work it!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cute New Bag!

The Cutest Bag In The World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Polka Dot Frenzy!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Mom got this for me a couple of days ago! I love it and it is really handy! It was a happy! For those of you who don't know what a happy is.... it is a gift you get somebody randomly if it reminds you of them. No matter if it isn't their birthday! I wonder why this bag reminded my mom of me??? ; )

My Crazy Family

Crazy Brother! ( Jared )

Silly Sis! ( Emily Grace ) : )

So, since you have met me I thought you should meet my family! The wild, precious, sweet talkin, yogurt lovin Emily!The obnoxious, funny, smart, star wars lovin, Jared! And last but not least, my loving, caring, jesus teaching, paula deen loving, good cooking Mom!

New Blogger!

Hey Everyone! My name is Madison but most people call me Madi! I am officially a new blogger and can't wait to share my life with you. I have a good life story and some great pictures to go along with it and everyday I add a new chapter. So come along as you WILL experience memories that I will share with you, madness that WILL ALWAYS come when you are with me, and miracles that God has put in my life! : )
