Thursday, August 6, 2009

School Stuff......

As you all know, I attended public school for four years and that was followed by three years of homeschooling. Well, while I was at home for three years everyone else had moved on with their life. In fact, two weeks ago I found out that my good friend Ashley was getting ready to welcome a new baby brother! OMG! Where have I been?!? My Mom has decided to put me back in school along with my brother. Jared has never been to school so imagine how hard of an adjustment that was! Hard headed lockers, preppy girls, cute guys, homework, and teachers..... these pictures say it all!!!

Work it girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace to the people!!!!!!!!

Alexis will love this pose!!!!
Such a gentleman!!! ; )

Cute and Sassy!! Work it!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the "first day of school" pics. Can you imagine when lil' Em goes? Are we ready for that? I like the car pics as well.
