Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chocolate MESS!

OK, so this is how Emily ended up in the corner for about well, only 2 minutes. That's because she can't sit still when Mommy tells her too. Typical two year old!! Anyway I guess you can figure out why Emily was put in the corner??! One word my friend..... CHOCOLATE!!! : )

This is when my mom and I figured out
that little miss Emily grace had been causing
Then we found ALL over her clothes and
body! Right after sissy had given her a bath!

After that.... well, it was pretty much world
war 3! When my mom found it on her good
bed pillow it was bye-bye Emily! But, she
was not the only one who got blamed.......
I was basically the one who got in trouble
for not watching little Sherlock!!!! oops! ; )
A little time out should do the trick!!!!
But, it won't last for long Mommy! Shhhhhh!

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